Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 2: Elimination Diet Review

I have felt much more comfortable making food choices in week 2, menu planning was much easier and when it came time to do my week 3 meal plan, it was a breeze!  I've found that I am eating a lot more fruit, now if I could just bring my veggie consumption up to snuff.  I do long for a slice of pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella, I can't seem to find a viable substitution for that :)

As far as symptoms are concerned, I have suffered from chronic sinusitis and unfortunately the weather has been less than cooperative here, so my environmental allergies have really kicked up.  So, I have to say I have not seen any relief in that respect.  I have, however, lost another pound (that's 4 total), which I have not been able to do in ages.  I said it following week 1 and I'll say it again, I am noticeably less "swollen" in my abdomen area.  I have also suffered from fatigue and I can say at this point, I have not seen an improvement.  Here's hoping week 3 brings some new relief!

My husband pointed out a new "bad habit" last night and I am really going to make sure I am cognizant of it moving forward; he says I am "over salting" everything.  I am using sea salt and I previously didn't cook with much salt, but we both think I am using it as a crutch since I have to create my own black-pepper free seasonings.  So, I am going to make sure I don't use too much salt, the last thing I need is high blood pressure or water retention!

Finally, our daughter is thriving on her wheat free diet.  Her eczema was completely clear by the end of week 1 and it has remained that way.  I don't know if it is coincidence but, she has also been going to bed easier and sleeping very well!  I thought we were up for a challenge when I found out they would be cupcakes at daycare on Thursday for a birthday, thankfully I had a heads up on this and sent her some Enjoy Life Double Chocolate Brownie cookies and they said she was perfectly happy with those, yay!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 1: Elimination Diet In Review

I'm a person who loves food and flavor, so I have to admit I was terrified to start this diet.  No vinegar=no condiments and if you could see my refrigerator, you would understand my angst.  I love hot sauce, salad dressing and everything in between!  Then to take away black pepper and soy, I felt my flavor options were limited.  But, I have to say I surprised myself;  I was able to create flavorful meals that my entire family enjoyed. 

I admit that this program takes a lot of preparation and planning, especially since I have a little one whose daycare menu I am trying to replicate so she feels "normal".  I found that batch cooking and freezing really helped in my strategy for her lunches.  I also found that my first trip to the grocery store armed with a meal plan (roughly based on the sale ad) took much longer than normal due to all of the label reading.  Thankfully, Kroger has a great natural food section, so I had a great selection to work with.

From a health standpoint, after one week without wheat my daughter's eczema is gone!  Shame on me for neglecting to take a "before" photo.  I am astonished that her half-dollar size, red and irritated looking spot of eczema is GONE!  We are so thrilled!

Personally, I've noticed that I feel full- longer after meals, I've lost three pounds (something I haven't been able to do in 7  months) and my belly size has decreased.  I know the last statement is somewhat unusual, but I chalk that up to a decrease in gastrointestinal swelling, not the slight weight loss.  One week in to the program and I am feeling much more comfortable with the choices I am making.  We had a large social gathering at our home on Saturday and I as able to make certain that my daughter and I had food options, so we were not "tempted" to consume things we shouldn't.  It went very well and I am pleased to say I avoided all allergens even though the temptation was there (thanks mom for bringing a double chocolate cheesecake).  I am not yet confident enough to dine out, but I think I can manage to avoid that for four weeks.  I'm looking forward to what week 2 will bring!

Week 2: Elimination Diet Meal Plan

I'm sticking with what works and continuing with my daily breakfast and snack options for this week. 

DailyBreakfast: Smoothie & Lara Bar

Fruit Smoothie
Frozen Traditional Fruit Mix from Kroger, 1/2 c. Almond Milk, 1/2 c. Coconut Milk, Honey to taste. Blend together.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
1 banana, 1/4 cup each almond and coconut milk, 2 Tbsp organic peanut butter, 1 Tbsp honey, handful of ice. Blend together.

Lara Bar- I LOVE the peanut butter chocolate chip and chocolate chip brownie

Snack 1: Fresh Fruit

Snack 2: Homemade Trail Mix

  • Combine- Walnuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Banana Chips, Raisins, Craisins, Dried Pineapple and Dried Apricots. I make a 1 gallon zip bag at a time and a serving is a handful.

  • Leftover Bean Soup
  • Slow Cooker Turkey Breast
  • Cornbread Stuffing
  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Leftover Turkey Dinner
  • Grilled Lime Shrimp Kabobs with Pineapple, Mushrooms, Zucchini & Summer Squash
  • Long grain brown rice

Lunch: Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free, Non-Dairy Macaroni & Cheeze

  • Amy's Kitchen Macaroni & Cheeze
  • Slow Cooker Boiled Dinner (Ham, Cabbage, Carrots, Potatoes)

  • Leftover Boiled Dinner
  • Baked Orange Roughy
  • Simmered Spicy Black Beans
  • Steamed Broccoli
Lunch: Leftovers

  • Grilled Hamburgers
  • Steamed Broccoli & Carrots
  • Pan Fried Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Lunch: Leftovers

  • Porterhouse Steak
  • Steamed Broccoli
  • Sherry Mushroom Brown Rice

Week 2: Wheat Free Kid's Meals

I was able to get a list of lunches on Friday from our daycare provider.  I stocked her up with gluten free snacks to keep on hand and over the weekend.  She provides fresh fruit and vegetables to accompany each lunch.


  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Turkey Sausage
  • Rudi's Multi Grain Toast

  • Hormel Natural Choice Honey Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Breast
  • Colby Jack Cheese Chunks
  • Cheese Smarts Parmesan Crackers

  • Annie's Homegrown Rice Pasta Macaroni & Cheese


Gluten Free Corn Dog Muffins

I got this idea from Once a Month Mom via Pinterest.  I however, opted to make my own Gluten, Dairy and Egg free Corn Muffin mix, since I had cornmeal on hand.

Yields 12
One batch of Corn Muffin mix (click link above for recipe)
3 or 4 Hebrew National Hot Dogs- they are gluten and filler free
Muffin Cups

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Place muffin cups in muffin pan.  Slice or dice the hot dogs, then fold them in to the prepared Corn Muffin mix.  Spoon mixture in to muffin cups.  Bake 20 minutes.

Because this recipe yields a dozen, I decided to freeze them for quick daycare lunches.  I did 2 per freezer bag and they have held up well.  They reheat in the microwave in 1-2 minutes.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gluten, Dairy & Egg Free Corn Muffins or Bread

1-1/4 cups Gluten Free Baking Mix
3/4 cup corn meal
1/4 cup sugar or honey- I use honey
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 cup skim milk- I am dairy free so I use rice milk
1/4 cup canola oil
2 egg whites or 1 egg, beaten- I am egg free so I use Ener G Egg Replacer

Heat oven to 400 F. Grease 8 or 9 inch pan. Combine dry ingredients. Stir in milk, oil and egg, mixing just until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.

NOTE: When using the GF Baking Mix I find that the texture of the cornbread is a little bit softer and almost chewy.  But, my family and I are very happy with the overall result!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Black Bean & Yam Stew

This recipe is adapted from Itchy Little World for Black Bean & Yam Stew with Cilantro Cabbage Slaw.  I didn't make the slaw, because I honestly forgot it was part of the recipe when making my grocery list.  So, here is the stew recipe with a couple of minor adjustments from me.

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
2 to 3 teaspoons sea salt
2 medium yams/sweet potatoes, peeled and diced (about 4 cups)
3-4 teaspoons minced garlic
3 15oz. cans organic black beans and their juices
1 cup water
1 medium red bell pepper, diced
the juice of one lime (about 2 to 3 tablespoons)

Heat a large 6 or 8-quart pot over medium heat. Add olive oil then add onions with a little salt and saute for 5 to 7 minutes.

Then add the spices, additional sea salt, yams, and garlic and saute a minute or two more. Add the black beans and water. Simmer uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes or until yams are barely tender but not yet cooked. Timing will depend on what size you dice your yams.

Then add the diced peppers and simmer for 10 minutes more. Taste and adjust salt and spices if necessary. Remove from heat and add lime juice.

I served this with Tortilla Chips & Tomato Free Guacamole on the side.

Grilled Turkey Breast, Garlic Lemon Veggies and Polenta

Grilled Turkey Breast

1 package of Honeysuckle White turkey breast tenderloin
sea salt
onion powder
garlic powder
dried rosemary
dried thyme

Preheat grill- rub olive oil on turkey breast tenderloin, sprinkle with salt, onion powder, garlic powder, rosemary and thyme, to taste.  Grill until meat reaches internal temperature of 165 degrees.   Note: I cut each tenderloin in half to make 4 portions, which were ample.

Garlic Lemon Veggies and Polenta

1 sweet onion, julienned
1 bunch asparagus, washed and trimmed in to thirds
1 small package sliced white mushrooms
1 zucchini, sliced
1 summer squash, sliced
1 orange pepper, julienned
2 Tbsp minced garlic
1 whole lemon
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 Tbsp Earth Balance Soy Free spread
1 package of Food Merchants Brand Traditional Italian Polenta, 18 oz

*This makes 6-8 portions of vegetables, so I cook in batches and combine the vegetables at the end.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Slice polenta in to 12 rounds.  Place on greased (I used canola oil) baking sheet.

Heat 1-2 Tbsp of canola oil over medium-high heat.  Add the onions, saute for 2-3 minutes.  Add in the asparagus and mushrooms, saute for an additional 3-4 minutes.  Put the polenta in the oven for 10 minutes.  Add in the orange pepper and minced garlic and salt, saute for an additional 3-4 minutes, or until your desired level of doneness.  Placed cooked vegetables in a glass bowl with a lid, while I saute the squash.  Add a little oil (if needed) to your pan and add the zucchini, summer squash and a little salt, cook until your desired level of doneness.  Once squash is cooked, add to bowl of vegetables, combine with the juice of one lemon and Earth Balance Soy Free spread (for a buttery flavor).  Serve atop baked polenta.

I reserve 4 rounds of polenta and a scoop of vegetables for the next day's lunch for my husband and myself.

Goat Cheese, Spinach, Ham & Caramelized Onion Hash

Although I was less than satisfied with the crust for my Goat Cheese, Spinach, Ham & Caramelized Onion Pizza, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.  So, I decided to scrape off the toppings a create a hash for the following days lunch. 

Goat Cheese, Spinach Ham & Caramelized Onion Hash

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 sweet onion
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
3 slices Hormel Natural Ham (sliced)
2 ounces goat cheese
2 cups baby spinach

1 russet potato, diced (I leave the skin on)

Heat 1 Tbsp of the olive oil in a fry pan over medium-low heat. Add the onions and salt and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The heat should be low enough that the onions sizzle quietly but don't brown too quickly. Add the sugar and continue to cook for another 15 to 20 minutes, until the onions are dark golden and a darker brown crust begins to form on the bottom of the skillet. Pick up the dark brown bits and stir them into the onions, then turn off the heat and set aside.

In a separate fry pan, heat 1 Tbsp of the olive oil over medium-high heat.  Add the diced potato, cooking until tender and golden brown.

When your onions are complete, remove from the pan and add your 2 cups of pre-washed (and dried) spinach. Saute until wilted, then place on paper towel to absorb and excess water.

Combine the potato, onions, spinach and ham.  Top with crumbled goat cheese.

Goat Cheese, Spinach, Ham & Carmelized Onion Pizza

Using the Namaste Foods Gluten Free Pizza Crust mix (this mix is wheat, dairy, egg and soy free) I first made a traditional tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese pizza for my daughter.  I decided to increase the initial cooking time based on the consistency of this first pizza. For my second pizza I opted for a goat cheese, spinach, ham and caramelized onion as toppings (adapted from this recipe: Goat Cheese, Caramelized Onion & Basil Flatbread).  I baked the crust for 25 minutes, before topping instead of the suggested 20 minutes and then an additional 10 after topping.  The result was a crust that was crispy on the bottom, but a little chewy in the middle, but the crispy edges were great!  The flavor combination of this pizza was outstanding, I’ll just have to work on perfecting the crust!

Pizza crust baked on a pizza stone

Goat Cheese, Spinach, Ham & Caramelized Onion Pizza
1 tablespoon olive oil, plus more for brushing on the bread
1 sweet onion
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
3 slices Hormel Natural Ham (sliced)
2 ounces goat cheese
2 cups baby spinach

Heat the olive oil in a fry pan over medium-low heat. Add the onions and salt and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The heat should be low enough that the onions sizzle quietly but don't brown too quickly. Add the sugar and continue to cook for another 15 to 20 minutes, until the onions are dark golden and a darker brown crust begins to form on the bottom of the skillet. Pick up the dark brown bits and stir them into the onions, then turn off the heat and set aside.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Prepare your gluten free pizza crust as directed.

When your onions are complete, remove from the pan and add your 2 cups of pre-washed (and dried) spinach.  Saute until wilted, then place on paper towel to absorb and excess water.

Once your crust is baked, brush a bit of olive oil on and sprinkle on some sea salt. Scatter the spinach, onions and ham evenly over the crust and crumble the goat cheese on top. Bake for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is beginning to melt.

Remove from the oven and cut into pieces.

The finished product

Tomato Free Guacamole

3 avocados, halved, seeded and peeled
1 lime, juiced
½ red pepper, diced
½ medium onion, diced (optional)
1 tsp minced garlic (optional)
½ tsp sea salt
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp dried cilantro
In a large bowl, mash the avocado with the lime juice.  Add in the salt and spices, mix well.  Fold in the garlic, red pepper and onion.  Serve immediately.

Served with Xochtil Brand Gluten Free Tortilla Chips

Tip: To store guacamole without it turning brown, place in an air tight container.  Then place plastic wrap directly over the guacamole, so no air can get between the plastic wrap and the guacamole.  Place the lid on the container and store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Week 1: Wheat Free Kid's Meals

This lunch meal plan is based around the typical lunch selections offered at our daughter's daycare center.  I worked with the owner to obtain a list of the week's offerings and attempted to replicate all lunch items to ensure our daughter had the same offerings as the other children.

I also did this with the intent to try batch cooking, I made the following recipes and froze the items for use through out this week and future weeks:
  • Nutri-Cookies (breakfast)
  • Corn Dog Muffins
  • Pizza
  • Chicken Nuggets (next week)
  • Creamy Garlic Dip for Veggies and Chips (did not freeze)
  • Homemade Hummus (did not freeze)
I will be posting these recipes throughout the week.
I supplemented the foods I prepared with the following purchased products:

Daily Meal Plan
Snack 1:
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Raisins

  • Illinois Prairie Corn Chowder
  • Xotichil Tortilla Chips
  • Pace Mild Salsa

Snack 2:
  • Annie's Cocoa
  • Vanilla Bunnies & Grapes

Snack 1:
  • Veggies
  • Creamy Garlic Dip

  • Corn Dog Muffins
  • Pop Chips
  • Dill Pickle

Snack 2:
  • Grapes
  • Cottage Cheese

Snack 1:
  • Fresh, sliced pineapple
  • Grapes

  • Annie's Homegrown Gluten Free Rice Pasta & Cheddar

Snack 2:
  • Fresh Veggies
  • Hummus 

Snack 1:
  • Sunmaid Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins
  • Craisins
  • O's

Snack 2:
  • Nutri Cookie

Snack 1:
  • Unsweetened Applesauce

  • Leftover Grilled Chicken Chunks
  • Fritos
  • Dill Pickle

Snack 2:
  • String Cheese
  • Veggie Straws

Week 1: Elimination Diet Meal Plan

This meal plan contains NO brewer's yeast (this includes vinegar, tea, coffee), black pepper, chicken, dairy, eggs, soy, tomato and wheat

Breakfast: Smoothie & Lara Bar

Fruit Smoothie
Frozen Traditional Fruit Mix from Kroger, 1/2 c. Almond Milk, 1/2 c. Coconut Milk, Honey to taste.  Blend together.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
1 banana, 1/4 cup each almond and coconut milk, 2 Tbsp organic peanut butter, 1 Tbsp honey, handful of ice.  Blend together.

Lara Bar- I LOVE the peanut butter chocolate chip and chocolate chip brownie

Snack 1: Fresh Fruit

Snack 2: Homemade Trail Mix
  • Combine- Walnuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Banana Chips, Raisins, Craisins, Dried Pineapple and Dried Apricots.  I make a 1 gallon zip bag at a time and a serving is a handful.

  •  Grilled Strip Steak seasoned with sea salt, garlic powder, onion powder and smoked paprika
  • Brown rice with Earth Balance Soy Free spread and fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • Steamed asparagus

  • Pizza- Namaste Gluten Free Pizza Crust topped with Hormel Natural Choice Honey Ham, spinach, caramelized onions and goat cheese
  • Side salad of fresh veggies with lemon and olive oil

  • Grilled Turkey Breast
  • Sauteed Garlic & Lemon Veggies with Polenta

  • Leftover Sauteed Garlic & Lemon Veggies with Polenta
  • Black Bean & Yam Stew
  • Tortilla Chips & Tomato Free Guacamole

  • Leftover Black Bean & Yam Stew
  • Fritos
  • Grilled Salmon with Mango Salsa
  • Steamed Broccoli
  • Tortilla Chips, Mango Salsa & Guacamole

Breakfast: I decided to deviate from my smoothie since it was Saturday



  • Goat Cheese, Spinach Ham & Caramelized Onion Hash

  • Grilled Hamburgers (seasoned with onion  powder, garlic powder, salt, chili powder & smoked paprika)
  • Cascadian Farm Spud Puppies
  • Whole Kernel Corn

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As my profile indicates, I'm just a mom, trying to lead a healthy life for myself and my family. 

My daughter (almost 2 years old) has struggled with eczema and after talking to several doctors, allergists and medical practitioners, I decided to take wheat out of her diet to see if we noticed an improvement.  After going through allergy testing myself, I just couldn't subject my daughter to that or a blood draw for that matter.  I'd rather see if making this change will help, first.  I decided to eliminate wheat from her diet at the same time that I start my allergy elimination diet, see below.

After months of seeing doctors and three rounds of allergy testing, I learned in late January of 2012, that I have a plethora of food allergies.  I always knew I had environmental allergies (from previous testing), but I had never considered food allergies as an issue.  Now, the disclaimer is: I am labeled as having an "allergy", however my issue is more of a sensitivity.  I do not experience anaphylactic shock, nor will I die from consuming the foods I am "allergic" to.  However, they are placing a strain on my body (chronic sinusitis, fatigue, head fog, weight gain, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and a high ANA level) and it has been recommended that I eliminate these foods for 4 weeks and reintroduce them to gauge my symptoms and tolerance of each. 

So, as of March 12, 2012 I am eliminating the following from my diet: brewer's yeast, black pepper, chicken, dairy, eggs, soy, tomato and wheat.  I was tested for gluten intolerance and that is not an issue, however I cannot have wheat.  My intent is to compile a list of products, recipes and meal plans to aid others in the same situation I am in.

Finally, I am not a medical professional.  I am doing this diet on the recommendation and guidance of my allergist and nurse practitioner; what works for me, may not work for you.  So, please make sure you speak with a medical professional before starting any diet like this.