Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 2: Elimination Diet Review

I have felt much more comfortable making food choices in week 2, menu planning was much easier and when it came time to do my week 3 meal plan, it was a breeze!  I've found that I am eating a lot more fruit, now if I could just bring my veggie consumption up to snuff.  I do long for a slice of pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella, I can't seem to find a viable substitution for that :)

As far as symptoms are concerned, I have suffered from chronic sinusitis and unfortunately the weather has been less than cooperative here, so my environmental allergies have really kicked up.  So, I have to say I have not seen any relief in that respect.  I have, however, lost another pound (that's 4 total), which I have not been able to do in ages.  I said it following week 1 and I'll say it again, I am noticeably less "swollen" in my abdomen area.  I have also suffered from fatigue and I can say at this point, I have not seen an improvement.  Here's hoping week 3 brings some new relief!

My husband pointed out a new "bad habit" last night and I am really going to make sure I am cognizant of it moving forward; he says I am "over salting" everything.  I am using sea salt and I previously didn't cook with much salt, but we both think I am using it as a crutch since I have to create my own black-pepper free seasonings.  So, I am going to make sure I don't use too much salt, the last thing I need is high blood pressure or water retention!

Finally, our daughter is thriving on her wheat free diet.  Her eczema was completely clear by the end of week 1 and it has remained that way.  I don't know if it is coincidence but, she has also been going to bed easier and sleeping very well!  I thought we were up for a challenge when I found out they would be cupcakes at daycare on Thursday for a birthday, thankfully I had a heads up on this and sent her some Enjoy Life Double Chocolate Brownie cookies and they said she was perfectly happy with those, yay!

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