Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As my profile indicates, I'm just a mom, trying to lead a healthy life for myself and my family. 

My daughter (almost 2 years old) has struggled with eczema and after talking to several doctors, allergists and medical practitioners, I decided to take wheat out of her diet to see if we noticed an improvement.  After going through allergy testing myself, I just couldn't subject my daughter to that or a blood draw for that matter.  I'd rather see if making this change will help, first.  I decided to eliminate wheat from her diet at the same time that I start my allergy elimination diet, see below.

After months of seeing doctors and three rounds of allergy testing, I learned in late January of 2012, that I have a plethora of food allergies.  I always knew I had environmental allergies (from previous testing), but I had never considered food allergies as an issue.  Now, the disclaimer is: I am labeled as having an "allergy", however my issue is more of a sensitivity.  I do not experience anaphylactic shock, nor will I die from consuming the foods I am "allergic" to.  However, they are placing a strain on my body (chronic sinusitis, fatigue, head fog, weight gain, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and a high ANA level) and it has been recommended that I eliminate these foods for 4 weeks and reintroduce them to gauge my symptoms and tolerance of each. 

So, as of March 12, 2012 I am eliminating the following from my diet: brewer's yeast, black pepper, chicken, dairy, eggs, soy, tomato and wheat.  I was tested for gluten intolerance and that is not an issue, however I cannot have wheat.  My intent is to compile a list of products, recipes and meal plans to aid others in the same situation I am in.

Finally, I am not a medical professional.  I am doing this diet on the recommendation and guidance of my allergist and nurse practitioner; what works for me, may not work for you.  So, please make sure you speak with a medical professional before starting any diet like this.

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