Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 1: Elimination Diet In Review

I'm a person who loves food and flavor, so I have to admit I was terrified to start this diet.  No vinegar=no condiments and if you could see my refrigerator, you would understand my angst.  I love hot sauce, salad dressing and everything in between!  Then to take away black pepper and soy, I felt my flavor options were limited.  But, I have to say I surprised myself;  I was able to create flavorful meals that my entire family enjoyed. 

I admit that this program takes a lot of preparation and planning, especially since I have a little one whose daycare menu I am trying to replicate so she feels "normal".  I found that batch cooking and freezing really helped in my strategy for her lunches.  I also found that my first trip to the grocery store armed with a meal plan (roughly based on the sale ad) took much longer than normal due to all of the label reading.  Thankfully, Kroger has a great natural food section, so I had a great selection to work with.

From a health standpoint, after one week without wheat my daughter's eczema is gone!  Shame on me for neglecting to take a "before" photo.  I am astonished that her half-dollar size, red and irritated looking spot of eczema is GONE!  We are so thrilled!

Personally, I've noticed that I feel full- longer after meals, I've lost three pounds (something I haven't been able to do in 7  months) and my belly size has decreased.  I know the last statement is somewhat unusual, but I chalk that up to a decrease in gastrointestinal swelling, not the slight weight loss.  One week in to the program and I am feeling much more comfortable with the choices I am making.  We had a large social gathering at our home on Saturday and I as able to make certain that my daughter and I had food options, so we were not "tempted" to consume things we shouldn't.  It went very well and I am pleased to say I avoided all allergens even though the temptation was there (thanks mom for bringing a double chocolate cheesecake).  I am not yet confident enough to dine out, but I think I can manage to avoid that for four weeks.  I'm looking forward to what week 2 will bring!

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