Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 3: Elimination Diet Review

I knew when I woke up Monday morning, that week three was going to be tough; I was dreaming about eating pizza Sunday night and that really set the tone for the week.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I am down five pounds after two weeks, but the cravings I experienced Monday through Wednesday were a real low point for me.  I also realized on Tuesday that I purchased the wrong frozen macaroni and cheese, which threw a wrench in to my meal plan, hence my odd lunch selections for Thursday and Friday.  Thankfully, I was able to persevere and I did not succumb to the cravings, but it was tough.  Once I was over that hurdle, Friday presented me with gastrointestinal issues and I think that was due to consuming corned beef that I wasn't able to research before eating.  By Saturday, though, I was back in my rhythm and excited to meal plan for week 4, my final week on the Elimination Diet!  I'm again feeling confident in my food choices and the flavors I am able to create without the use of condiments. 

I do feel after three weeks, that I have had better rest and therefore more energy.  I am a sleeper, so nine hours of sleep per night is the minimum requirement for me.  Prior to this diet, one of my complaints to my physician was that I would wake in the morning feeling fatigued regardless of how much sleep I got the night before.  So, this is a welcome change for me, even thought it is slight improvement at this point.

Bring on week four!

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